
Many fun and exciting center-wide and specific classroom events and activities are planned each month. We would like to remind you where you can find this information, so you don’t miss out on the fun!


Because keeping you involved with Generation Next is a priority of ours, we use a communication tool called Tadpoles in the classrooms. The Tadpoles program allows our teachers to capture special moments, take photos and videos of the children in action, as well as send you classroom information.  No more paper will be sent home. Instead you’ll get daily reports and notes right in your email or on a downloadable companion application right to your smartphone! For those who still need diapering or bottles, you can see real-time updates to your child’s report or even start the report from home by noting when the last bottle was taken or the last diaper was changed. These daily reports will even be accessible from the first day you start with us! Each classroom is equipped with an iPad mini which will be specifically used for the Tadpoles program. We consider all information captured using Tadpoles to be a private communication between our school and our families. No personal information is shared with any external parties and as a parent you will only receive information specifically about your child. For additional information, please visit the Tadpoles website at


Classroom Parent Board
In each classroom you will find a parent board with a menu, specific classroom schedule, weekly lesson plan.


PIT Parent Board
In the center’s PIT you will find a parent board with a menu and an agenda of monthly center-wide events.


Art Folders
Located outside of every classroom, your child has an art folder where you can find art activities to take home and important notes and reminders.


White Board
In the preschool classrooms, including Freshmen through Seniors, you will find a white board where your child’s teachers will write daily comments and reminders for specific classroom events.


Front Desk
Once an illness is reported to management, we post the illness, its symptoms, and the classroom and date of exposure on the center’s front desk. Various reminders are also posted on the center’s front desk and doors.


Open Door Policy
You are welcome to visit the center and join in on the fun at any time!


Every classroom is equipped with a phone. You are welcome to call at any time to speak with your child’s teachers directly. The centers have 24 hour voicemail.


Please visit our website at for center-wide events, reminders, pictures, and Generation Next closings.


Please visit our Facebook page at for center-wide events, reminders, pictures, and Generation Next closings.


Weekly Statements are e-mailed each Friday for those that have ledger activity. Please make sure you have a current email on file. Mass e-mails are sent for weather alerts and important information.

Management E-mails and Cell Phone Numbers:

  • (515) 664-3326

  • (515) 710-5025

  • (515) 720-9905

  • (515) 314-8550

  • (515) 707-5984

  • (515) 314-2274

  • (515) 770-4926

  • (515) 210-4255

  • (515) 991-4647

  • (515) 321-2213

  • (515) 371-2097

  • (515) 249-2555

  • (515) 681-8257

  • (515) 619-3949

  • (515) 443-6028

Policy Handbook
Each parent has been given a copy of the center policy handbook. This is a great resource for information.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask your child’s teachers or a member of management.

© 2018 Generation Next Child Development Center and Preschool.  All Rights Reserved.